Friday, February 28, 2014

The Stone Collective

The Stone Collective is a community making much of Jesus as we create art, photography, prose, poems or music that commemorate the wonderful things God does in our life. Based on the passage in 1 Samuel 7:12-14, each month we will collect Ebenezer Stones as a regularly practice in the art of worship via our creativity. Want to join in on The Stone Collective? Create your own Stone and link up to LIVE IT OUT! Blog. #TheStoneCollective

Sometimes, only music will do.
Waiting Room by Jinny Diaz

See all of The Stone Collective

feel free to use #TheStoneCollective for IG,FB, Twitter, Etc.


  1. Tonya! That video is wonderful. I love the part "You have a bigger perspective..."

    Thank you!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing the song. :-)
