Monday, April 7, 2014

Growing Up Duggar

Growing Up Duggar
By Jana, Jessa, Jill, and Jinger Duggar

About the book:

With a backdrop of the key relationships in their lives—relationship with self, parents, siblings, friends, boys, and God—the four Duggar girls open up about their own personal faith and convictions, boys, dating, manners, living in a large family, politics, and much more. You’ll learn how the family navigates the difficult years between twelve and sixteen and what the girls look for in a man, all in a frank and fun book that will inspire teens and adults alike. Including lighthearted stories about the younger kids’ antics, Growing Up Duggar is a wise and entertaining trip into a family like no other.

My thoughts:
I don't know exactly what to say about "Growing Up Duggar" except that it's very Duggar. If you watch the show you know exactly what you are getting in reading this book.

The Duggar's show great strength in their ability to hold to their convictions and not let others opinions take them. The four oldest Duggar girls Jana, Jessa, Jill, and Jinger explain in depth how they view and navigate relationships in their daily lives and give advice and answers to questions they are asked frequently in emails or speaking at events.

*I received this book free for review from Howard Books through*

Rating: 4 carats

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read this book but it sounds interesting!
