Monday, August 4, 2014

Debt-Proof Living

Debt-Proof Living
By Mary Hunt
About the book:
Mortgages, credit card balances, student loans, car loans, and home improvement loans have become a way of life for the majority of us. And debt is putting not only our present at risk as we live paycheck to paycheck, but our futures in jeopardy as shockingly few of us have enough put away for retirement. Personal financial expert Mary Hunt wants readers to embrace the radical but simple truth that they don't need more credit or more stuff--that they can live their lives debt-free.

In her classic book Debt-Proof Living, Mary reveals the secrets to getting out of debt and staying out of debt for the rest of your life. At no time in history has this liberating approach to a no-debt lifestyle been more desperately needed. Those who have been struggling to pay the bills or feel like they just can't make their finances work without taking on debt need this book. It can change their lives.

My thoughts:
Debt-Proof Living by Mary Hunt is filled with the basic consistent principles commonly used by most financial advisers counseling people on ways to get out of debt and better manage money. This is because those core principles of money management are the foundation for debt free living. People have to spend less money then they make, always save something and have a solid plan for paying off existing debt and preventing future debt.

Where I find Mary Hunt's approach different is in her first principle for debt proof living "Principle 1: Never keep it all. The first things you must do when money flows into your life is give some of it away." The voice of greed whispers entitlement into our lives. How can we combat the greed enemy? With giving, giving brings balance to our lives connecting us to something greater than ourselves.

Debt-Proof Living is a simple to understand, easy to apply, road map anyone can use to live a life free if debt if they choose.

*I received this book free for review from Baker Publishing Group*

Rating: 5 carats

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