A Place of Healing
By Joni Eareckson Tada
As many of Joni’s books have dealt with suffering so does this one. Written with the same eloquence and compassion we’ve come to know Joni for she poses the question, “If God can heal, why doesn’t He?”
Joni invites us to walk with her as she asks this question trying to understand her new battle of chronic pain. After nearly forty years of quadriplegia she is asking once again how God can use her while is so much pain. She is open, encouraging, and gives the honest answer to the question of God’s healing. It is His choice of who and when to heal according to His will.
She then goes on to explain the process and verses she has used in her journey to accept her new situation. Her advice may not be the easiest to swallow but I believe that with hard work, determination, and the right mindset this book can aid in making sense of suffering.
Favorite Line:
“Authentic strength walks hand in hand with weakness”
Rating: a whole gem parcel
Morning Whispers
1 week ago