Operation Worship Pink Camo Bible
The Operation Worship Pink Camo Bible is a special edition New Living Translation Bible for wives, mothers, sisters, friends, and girlfriends of persons in the military.
It’s a small Bible with pieces of pink camo paper to pull out and write simple notes on, a military prayer for peace, a guide to studying the Bible, and excerpts of letters to people in the military at the back of the Bible. It’s cute.
I received this Bible for a free review from Tyndale House Publsihers
Favorite Quote:
“O Lord, while we are apart, make us instruments of your peace.
When there is hatred let us plant the seeds of your love;
Where the is anger,..restraint;
Where there is brutality,…kindness;
Where there is fear,…courage;
Where there is pride,..humility;
Where there is blindness,…wisdom;
Lord, while we are apart, help us entrust our lives to you.
Where there is loneliness, make your presence known;
Where there is doubt, give us faith;
Where there is despair, awaken in us hope;
Where there is darkness, shine your light;
Where there is sadness, fill us with joy;
Lord, while we are apart, bless us and protect us.
Smile on us and be gracious to us.
Show us your favor and give us your peace.
And use us to plant seeds of blessing
wherever we go, whatever we do,
in everything we say.
We pray all these things
for the sake of your Name and your Kingdom.
Learn more about Operation Worship HERE
Buy Assorted Military Bibles HERE
Rating: 5 carats
Thirteen Thoughts in December…
3 days ago
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